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My story – Lizzie Stevenson

My story – Lizzie Stevenson

(Pictured above: Lizzie Stevenson on her last day on the surgical unit. "The unit is parked in the same location in Balclutha as when I saw it for the first time!" she says). As a medical student, gaining practical experience is an integral part of the learning...

Congratulations to scholarship recipients

Congratulations to scholarship recipients

Congratulations to our scholarship winners With the rising demand for healthcare professionals, there is an urgent need to support and encourage young people who are passionate about pursuing a career in healthcare. One way to achieve this is by awarding scholarships...

22,000 people through the Health Hub at Fieldays 2022

22,000 people through the Health Hub at Fieldays 2022

Fieldays 2022 allowed the rural community to reconnect once again, after the event was postponed to November due to the pandemic. This year the Health Hub homed 45 organisations and businesses (up from 34 the year before) and saw 22,000 visitors through the doors;...

Celebrating 1,000 patients in Levin!

Celebrating 1,000 patients in Levin!

On September 13th, Mobile Health celebrated 1,000 patients onboard the Mobile Surgical Unit - Te Waka Hauora in Levin! Our Chief Executive, Mark Eager was onsite to greet our 1,000th patient, Liam who received dental treatment and was gifted a Warehouse voucher. We...

2022 Mobile Health Annual Report released

2022 Mobile Health Annual Report released

Mobile Health presents our Annual Report for 2022. We are delighted to have successfully completed another year - one which sees Mobile Health celebrate its 20th anniversary - a milestone for our organisation that has successfully treated almost 30,000 patients since...

Ian ‘Inky’ Tulloch retires from Mobile Health Board

Ian ‘Inky’ Tulloch retires from Mobile Health Board

Mobile Health Board Member Ian Tulloch, also known as ‘Inky’ has had a long career in local government, business, and the community. He was a member of Mataura Borough Council for six years and Mayor for six years until 1989. Inky was also Mayor of Gore District...

My story – Cara Enright: An experience I will never forget

My story – Cara Enright: An experience I will never forget

At 11-years-old, Cara Enright’s grandfather became very unwell. As she stood by him in one of the most vulnerable periods of his life, her admiration for him grew stronger. During this time, Cara was exposed to health practitioners who cared for her grandfather -...

Mobile Health visits Geraldine

Mobile Health visits Geraldine

Yesterday the Mobile Surgical Unit settled in to enjoy the beautiful sunrise in our new rural location of Geraldine. The team was warmly welcomed by our site hosts Mckenzie Healthcare who were extremely helpful in ensuring our first day was a success. Geraldine is our...

A tribute to 20 years – Chris Heath

A tribute to 20 years – Chris Heath

Twenty years ago, Chris Heath joined Mobile Health expecting to be on the road for six months. "I couldn’t have imagined being here all these years later," Chris says. "We were a small organisation finding our feet using ingenuity, flexibility with a huge amount of...

On the road again

On the road again

In the summer of 1980 in America, country music singer, Willie Nelson hit the airwaves with his top-tapping song - On the Road Again, becoming one of his most recognised songs. The song about life on the road struck a chord with country music fan and truck driver,...

Caring for our environment

Caring for our environment

There are many issues facing our environment, so this year we have contributed to the sponsorship of planting approximately 1500 - 1600 plants in the Cranford Basin Reserve in Christchurch. Trees for Canterbury supplied the plants made up of Kahikatea, cabbage trees,...

Stellar success – 33,000 visitors through the Health Hub

Stellar success – 33,000 visitors through the Health Hub

After two years since the last Fieldays event, reconnecting was better than ever at the Health and Wellbeing Hub. This year the health hub at Fieldays in Hamilton was located at a permanent building and had more than 33,000 visitors through the doors, up from 25,000...

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