Congratulations to our scholarship winners With the rising demand for healthcare professionals, there is an urgent need to support and encourage young people who are passionate about pursuing a career in healthcare. One way to achieve this is by awarding scholarships...
On September 13th, Mobile Health celebrated 1,000 patients onboard the Mobile Surgical Unit – Te Waka Hauora in Levin! Our Chief Executive, Mark Eager was onsite to greet our 1,000th patient, Liam who received dental treatment and was gifted a Warehouse voucher....
Mobile Health is partnering with Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network to offer our rural youth financial support in their pursuit of health studies. The four scholarships valued at $5,000 each, will be offered to any rural youth entering their first year of full-time...
Mobile Health presents our Annual Report for 2022. We are delighted to have successfully completed another year – one which sees Mobile Health celebrate its 20th anniversary – a milestone for our organisation that has successfully treated almost 30,000...
Mobile Health Board Member Ian Tulloch, also known as ‘Inky’ has had a long career in local government, business, and the community. He was a member of Mataura Borough Council for six years and Mayor for six years until 1989. Inky was also Mayor of Gore District...