Day surgery for rural NZ
One of the guiding principles of The New Zealand Health Strategy is equitable access for all New Zealanders to a comprehensive range of health and disability services. With more than 888,000 people living and working in rural areas, the services we provide on the Mobile Surgical Unit – Te Waka Hauora are clearly focussed on ensuring these patients are treated where they live and work. Our promise is to deliver a safe, friendly and quality-driven service.

Day Surgery
Mobile Health brings the operating theatre to the doorstep of 25 rural communities with elective day surgery operations onboard the mobile surgical unit.

Rural health professionals are supported with both hands-on clinical training and education programs.

My Health Hub provides online education for health professionals. Webinars cover a wide range of health topics, are free to attend and open to all health providers in NZ.

About us
Established in 2002, we are a private company funded by the Ministry of Health to provide health services primarily to people living and working in rural New Zealand.
Number of elective day surgery operations completed aboard the mobile surgical unit

© Mobile Health 2024